Prevention of Torture Act 2023 Passed by Parliament
By Musa Saho
The Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Justice is pleased to announce that the National Assembly has passed the Prevention of Torture Act 2023, which was tabled before it by the Minister of Justice. This is a significant development in the country's efforts to promote human rights and uphold the rule of law.
This Act, provides the legal framework for the prohibition, prevention and punishment of any form of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in The Gambia and provides penalties aimed at ensuring accountability for acts of torture.
The Act also imposes a duty on all persons to report all forms of torture and inhumane treatment to relevant authorities and also provides for the protection of witnesses, victims and persons reporting torture.
The importance of this act within the Transitional Justice process The Gambia is undergoing cannot be overemphasized. Torture has been a pervasive issue in our country, and its effects have been long-lasting and profound. This act will help to prevent such violations from happening in the future and will provide a framework for the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for such heinous acts.
The government is committed to fully popularizing and implementing this act. It is an essential step towards ensuring that the human rights of all citizens are respected and protected. We call upon all stakeholders, including civil society organizations, the media, and the general public, to support the implementation of this act.
As we move forward in our journey towards a just and democratic society, we must remain vigilant in the protection of human rights and the rule of law. This act is a critical milestone in that journey, and we are proud to have achieved it.